Changes in Comprehensive Planning Tool

Updates have been made to the Comprehensive Planning Tool in order for districts to fulfill the obligations included in Chapter 16 of the Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa Code §16) regarding the Gifted Education plan.

a. Core Foundations – Safe and Supportive Schools

1.  22 Pa Code §16.4. Strategic plans. Describe your districts screening and evaluation protocols for gifted education.

2.  22 Pa Code §16.4. Strategic plans. Describe the gifted programs* being offered.

*The word “programs” refers to the continuum of services, not one particular option. The requirements for a student’s Gifted Individualized Education Plan can be found in the Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa Code §16.32)

b. Core Foundations – Professional Education

1.  22 Pa Code §16.5. personnel. (c) A school district and intermediate unit shall provide, under section 1205.1 of Pennsylvania School Code (24 P.S. § 12-1205.1), in-service training for gifted and regular teachers, principals, administrators and support staff persons responsible for gifted education.

Questions about the Comprehensive Planning Tool should be addressed to Jill Neuhard, Comprehensive Planning Statewide Project Manager at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit (IU 15) at

Questions about the Gifted Education Plan should be addressed to Tanya Morret, Educational Consultant at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit (IU 15) at