Pa. House Democrats elect new leaders for 2021-22 session

Philadelphia’s Rep. Joanna McClinton was elected on Thursday by her House Democratic colleagues to lead the caucus in the 2021-22 session. McClinton, who is completing her third term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, is the first woman elected to serve as a minority leader in the House or Senate. Also on Thursday, in the Senate, Rep. Kim Ward of Westmoreland County was elected as majority caucus leader, another first for the General Assembly, during that caucus’ leadership election. McClinton, who has been serving as caucus chairwoman, replaces Rep. Frank Dermody of Allegheny County, who has served as caucus leader for the past decade. Dermody lost his re-election bid to a 16th two-year term in last week’s election. With 32 women serving in the upcoming session, more than one-third of the incoming 90-member House Democratic Caucus are women.

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Source: Penn Live By Jan Murphy | Updated Nov 12, 2020; Posted Nov 12, 2020.