Governor Closes Schools for Another 2 Weeks – PDE Guidance

Today Governor Wolf extended the PA school closures for another 2 weeks. See specific dates below in PDE guidance. 

There is a stay at home order for seven areas. The list is indicated below. 

Governor stresses that all Pennsylvanians should act like they have the virus. We all need to do our part to stop the spread.


From the PA Secretary of Education:

This afternoon (March 23, 2020), Governor Wolf will issue a stay-at-home order for seven counties in Pennsylvania (Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Monroe, Montgomery, and Philadelphia). Under Governor Wolf’s order, personnel at our educational entities in all 67 counties who are providing life-sustaining services – including, but not limited to: administration, food preparation and distribution, housing, security, information technology, building maintenance, and operations (e.g., payroll) – can continue to be deemed essential and are permitted to continue their work, provided they adhere to social distancing guidelines.

In addition, the Department of Education (PDE) announced today that all schools in the commonwealth will remain closed through at least April 6 as a result of the COVID-19 response efforts. The closure order could be extended beyond April 6 if necessary to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19.

Under the new timeline, school buildings would reopen on April 7 for two days to allow school administrators, teachers, and other staff time to prepare classrooms, set up cafeterias, schedule transportation and arrange other business operations. Students would return to school on April 9, unless extending the closure is needed in response to the situation with the virus at that time. To assist schools during the extended closure, the state’s 29 intermediate units are ready to provide technical assistance to help develop continuity of education plans for all students beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24.
